Abbrevations and Frequent Asked questions (FAQs)

ACT: Active Charge Transfer & Balancing
AGV: Automativ Guided Vehicle
APC: Auxiliary Power Converter
BMS: Battery Management System
BC: Battery Charger
CMC: Cell Management Controller
cccv / cpcv: constant-current&constant-voltage / constant-power&constant-voltage battery charging characteristics
CellCom: isolated data communication to cell-modules, i.e batteries or caps
DCB: Dynamic Cell Balancing
ESR: Equivalent Series Resistor
ESS: Energy Storage System
GFD: Ground fault Detector
LV: Low Voltage
OBC: OnBoard Charger for batteries in electric vehicles
RPB: Rack Power Booster for active connection to DC-Power-Link
RMU: Rack Management Unit
SDS: Stercom Diagnostic Studio, Program
SoH: State of Health of a battery
SoC: State of Charge of a battery
SMU: String Management Unit for passive connection to DC-Power-Link
String: identical capacitors or batteries in series for one application-voltage
UC: Ultra Capacitor with high power capability
UPS: Uninteruptible Power Supply